
Where do people go to learn Spanish abroad when they want an Affordable Spanish School AND Excellence?

University, high school, middle school students or groups, families, professionals, researchers, teachers, seniors, residents and travelers go to SEPA Spanish Language School and Environmental Protection Center for affordable Spanish School prices, in the “Real” Costa Rica where you can find:

  • Outstanding Spanish teachers
  • Beautiful jungle and mountain surroundings
  • Hand-tailored Spanish programs to fit your needs AND your schedule
  • Homestay with a loving family trained to help you learn Spanish faster
  • A SAFE place to learn instead of the busy metropolis of San José or common tourist areas

Too good to be true? It all makes sense. You are learning Spanish in the beautiful, little-known valley of Pérez Zeledón where costs are less, and service is more.  Compare this to the over-crowded and over-priced tourist areas where many Spanish schools and Spanish Abroad Programs are located. Better still, you are working with a Spanish program director who is committed to bring Spanish to people for a price they can afford. This is how SEPA Spanish School brings you more quality for less!

Just compare our prices to other Spanish Schools in Costa Rica. You will see for yourself the difference!

Want to optimize your Spanish learning experience? Go Group + $15 per hour Personal Trainer!

Payment and Additional information:

  • Enrollment form required at least 3 weeks prior to joining us.
  • Payment required at least one day prior to first day of classes.
  • Prices include homestay, tuition, welcome lunch, city tour, activities, and class materials.
  • Tours are not included but you can sign up for weekend tours at affordable prices.
  • Homestay includes breakfast, dinner, laundry, and a loving family (included in all programs).
  • Alternative Lodging (not included in our programs): Hotel or apartment lodgings are significantly more expensive.  If  you choose not to stay with a Costa Rican family this time, we can arrange for you to stay in a hotel.
  • Learning with personal trainer, if no groups available: In the event that there are no groups at your level, your program switches to intensive individual instruction with a personal trainer for 2 hours per day for the same price as the 3-hour group rate.
  • Learning with personal trainer for all your instruction: On the other hand, if you choose to work with a personal trainer, regardless of whether there are groups at your level, you can receive one-on-one instruction at $18 per hour.
  • Learning with personal trainer after group instruction: Personal trainer instruction is available for one-on-one teaching in addition to your daily group instruction for $15 per hour. (All prices are in US dollars).
  • Walk to and from school: Nearly all home stays are within walking distance of SEPA.
  • Schedule: Spanish classes are Monday to Friday, 8am to 12pm with a 15-minute snack break.  For those taking afternoon classes, classes are from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, with a 15-minute snack break.
  • Services available on campus: Wireless, Internet, Snacks and Drinks

SEPA Spanish School wants to make your dream AFFORDABLE. Click here to enroll now!